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Remember that bitter pill you've been chewing on for the past couple of years? It's time to spit it out. Recently, during my flight back from the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute, I picked up The Alchemist, a book I hadn't read in about 15 years. It struck me that a couple of quotes from the book resonated deeply with me. I want to share them with you, and then delve into the metaphorical significance of the pill that they brought to mind.

One night, as they gazed at the moonless sky, the boy confided in the alchemist, "My heart is afraid of suffering." To which the alchemist responded, "Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself."

Another quote that caught my attention was, "Most people see the world as a threatening place, and, because they do, the world turns out, indeed, to be a threatening place."

Now, let's talk about the metaphorical use of pills. You're probably familiar with the red pill and blue pill concept, popularized by the movie "The Matrix." Over the past few years, this concept has become increasingly ingrained in our collective consciousness. The blue pill represents a life lived in a manufactured reality, where one unquestioningly believes that the government, medicine, and the pharmaceutical industry have their best interests at heart. It's a world built on layers of deception, shaping the mainstream perception of reality.

On the other hand, the red pill signifies an ongoing state of awakened consciousness. It's important to note the word "ongoing" here, as it differentiates true awakening from the notion of being "woke." If you believe you have reached a final conclusion and there are no more questions to ask, then you may have mistaken the blue pill for the red. I like to say, "Always waking, never woke." This doesn't mean that we can't hold certain truths with certainty; indeed, some level of certainty forms the basis for our morals, values, and faith. Swallowing the red pill shatters our self-constructed echo chambers, often leading to the dissolution of our ego.

There are two types of red pills: the soft and the hard. The soft approach involves a gradual awakening, where individuals begin to recognize truths without allowing them to uproot their core beliefs. These individuals often straddle both worlds, acknowledging the destructive nature of identity politics, for example, yet still participating in popular culture, possibly out of fear of being canceled. Personally, I find this approach lacking in integrity, but that's just my perspective—I lean more towards the hard pill.

The hard pill is more challenging to swallow, as it entails significant discomfort and loss. It disrupts the foundations of our lives, particularly if we have been living within self-reinforced beliefs for a long time. However, this path also offers the potential for rapid transformation. At the end of this red pill journey, we may emerge as different individuals, having undergone a complete 180-degree shift in our belief systems.

An essential aspect of the healing process that follows is forging new connections within communities that align with our newfound foundational values.

Now, let's talk about the black pill. Both the red and blue pills can turn black, but it's the blue-black path that crushes the soul. Unfortunately, it has become the trajectory of the blue pill in many ways, particularly for those obedient individuals who have allowed themselves to be enslaved—think of the toxic COVID vaccine agenda and the imposition of masks, stripping away our humanity. The black pill represents a state where individuals become trapped in self-reinforcing narratives of doom and gloom. With an abundance of dire, dark, and fear-based information readily available

In the end, regardless of where you begin, the black pill is the one they want you to consume. Their aim is to keep you in a state of misery, fear, and depression because it makes you easier to manipulate. This control transcends political affiliations; it's the type of control that seeks to suppress your very soul. I know it may sound exaggerated, but I genuinely believe it to be true. It stands in direct opposition to love—the ultimate answer. Love is the essence of existence, and you are a manifestation of that divine love.

This is what we refer to as the White Pill.

The ultimate destination we strive for is the White Pill. It's a realm where all possibilities reside: faith, love, God, hope, and resilience.

Casting aside the black pill is a journey that requires discipline and commitment. An essential step is to cut off exposure to media, channels, and creators that perpetuate fear-based narratives. It's not about denying the existence of these things; rather, it's about being mindful of where you direct your attention. Your attention is a precious commodity, and there are deliberate attempts all around you—through phones and screens—to seize and amplify it through a lens of fear.

Stay vigilant and cultivate self-awareness. Remember that your attention belongs to you and take ownership of it.


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